Friday, January 05, 2007

Computers: Harbingers of Memories

Having returned to the office after well over a month away, I have spent a fair portion of the day cleaning things up and getting ready for the new year. Once the desk was satisfactorily straightened up (which isn’t saying much) I turned my attention to my PC and discovered many a memory.

First were a large number of draft scripts and press releases from previous shows. Some dating back a few years. Next I stumbled across a number of old pictures – some of friends, some of me with friends and at least three of people who I don’t know at all. And then … the email

See, in mid-’06 I upgraded all the Microsoft software on my machine, including Outlook, to the 2003 release. However, prior to that I had always archived all of my e-mail – whether personal or professional – with the exception of all the junk mail that was deleted over the years. Starting fresh in ’07 I realized that I hadn’t archived anything since the upgrade. When I attempted to, it told me that my old .pst file was full – it was still archiving to the previous version’s file. So I went about creating a new (and much larger) 2003 version of the file, restored the entire archive (the old archive, that is) and then re-archived into the new, larger file I had just built.

Slowly on my screen began to appear all of these old emails from the past several years. Some from people I hadn’t talked to in … well, in several years. Half amused I began to occasionally open a few and read them … ah, memories.

I couldn’t help but stumble across a chain of emails from somebody who was once very special to me. Very special. The emails were sexy, suggestive and slightly salacious. Ah, nice emails they were. And as my mind flooded with memories of this lovely creature that was so briefly a remarkably important part of my life, I asked myself … why isn’t she still?

And thus we turn to a recurring theme of this blog … I hate actors. You’ve assumed by now that these emails of arousal were from an actress? Smart you. You’ve been paying attention.

So, what ended our brief liaison of witty and suggestive repartee? Why did this burgeoning relationship filled with desire and passion just snuff itself out? Why did this blossoming relationship just simply vanish? I wish I knew for certain. I was certainly smitten (yes, I said "smitten" -- get over it!) But it certainly appears that the cause of the demise of this flaming passion was … the show ended.

Humph! I hate actors.

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