Friday, July 21, 2006

Mid-Rehearsal Love Fest

Two weeks from now Weasel Erotica will have opened, the stress of getting a show up will have subsided and I'll be drinking a glass of champagne toasting the success and/or failure of another opening night. I will have stared down the paralyzing power of stage fright once again and come out successful (one of these days I won't be so lucky) and sweaty. I will put my arms around sister Melissa Jo and tell her we did it again ... just what "it" is may still remain a mystery. I will let out a giant sigh of relief.

But that's two weeks away. What happens between now and then frightens the hell out of me. There is just so much still to be done. A million little details that have to be addressed. A million little things that can (and some will) go wrong. Hell week is upon us, and it's two weeks long!

So, before my nerves become completely frayed, now is the time to compliment my castmates, my family and express the sheer pride I have in working with these folks and watching them bring this silly little vision to life:

I have to start with my brother Matt 'Mo' Talent (Mo Talent because he has mo' talent that you!) who is always a joy and a pleasure to work with. He works harder than just about any other actor/comedian I know and never lets out a word of discouragement. He's the guy always there with a pat on the back ... while I'm the guy who always needs the pat on the back. Matt has a simple and pure charm that makes him such a joy to watch on stage. A kinetic energy with a devious glint in his eye. Whenever I work with him I warn the rest of the cast that he's the one who's likely to run away with the show ... and he most frequently does. I expect the same to hold true on opening night.

Not a brother by blood, but a brother by spirit is Tony King. This show is something of a challenge for Tony because he's playing a guy who borders on being milquetoast, something that Tony certainly is not. Tony is a proud and handsome Southerner (just like his big brother by another mother) who exudes charm on stage. For us he serves as a perfect straight man, but a straight man that the audience wants to root for. In the spirit of Noel Coward, he's the poor sap stuck in the middle of extraordinary circumstances. It takes a special talent and spirit to pull that off ... and Tony is loaded with talent and spirit.

Next on the love fest list is my favorite "Opera Girl." Rebecca Sponseller is my hero. She has no shame (which is a requirement in this show and something I readily identify with) and an innate ability to steal a scene. She is my Margaret Dumont ... and those who know me well know that I can hand out no higher compliment.

Filling out the role that I wrote with Maureen O'Sullivan in mind is Amy Kersten, a remarkable comedic actress who always finds the time to offend me in some shape, way, form or fashion. She takes after my baby sister. I hadn't realized until recently how much this show hinges on her role and I can't express how lucky we were to find Amy. She's the kind of talent that you admire (but secretly feel jealous about) and the kind of girl that you could have a crush on if she wasn't such a ball-buster. But the Talent Brothers have long been known to have a healthy respect for the ball-buster.

I didn't know Jeremy Sykes from Adam, but I trusted Mel when she told me, "Hey, I know this guy that would be perfect for our villain." And that he is. A cross between Snidely Whiplash and Harvey Korman. This show needs that element of 1930's melodrama to it and Jeremy has that in spades. Talented guy ... check out one of his paintings right here ... just hope he doesn't walk out on us when he sees the costume we have planned for him.

How do you cast a sexy seductress but not wind up with a diva bitch on wheels? That was one of our concerns going into auditions for this show. We found the answer and her name is Anne McDaniels. A buddy of mine saw a picture of this beauty and former NFL cheerleader and said, "I bet she's hard to work with." What a misconception. Why do other actors want to hate the beautiful? There are very few more professional, down-to-earth, pleasant actresses out there. She is a delight and certainly lifts the show's sexy quotient to new heights.

Zoo Girls play a special role in my heart where this play is concerned. Okay, outside of this play none of us would have any idea what a reference to a Zoo Girl is. How special? Those closest to me would recognize how special by the characters' names ... Ray-Ray and Kitty. Those weren't just random names chosen out of a hat, were they? Ray-Ray is Jennifer Sandella ... a bundle of smart and sexy quirkiness. She brings a special rhythm and charm to the show that is irreplaceable. Her willingness to dive in, try anything and never let that fear of looking silly get in the way makes her one of us ... after all, that's the Talent Brother credo.

What is it about little blonde girls from Oklahoma that I enjoy so much? (Get your mind out of the gutter ... there's only room enough for mine!) Ah, the girls from Sooner country are a special breed. Our Okie plays Kitty and her name is Kimi Winkler. She's a talented former college cheerleader (how did we wind up with two cheerleaders in our show?) that is a lovely and lively breeze (strike that, whirlwind) of fresh air! An enticing wave of energy that rolls over all of us and, I am sure, will role over the audience.

Finally, I can't hand out any kudos without mentioning my sister Mel. The reason this show will succeed is Melissa Jo Talent ... point blank. Granted I had to beg and plead and implore her to even consider directing this thing, but all that begging is paying off handsomely ... just as I knew it would. I don't know that there are people who I love, admire and respect as much as Mel. I think the majority of the cast feels the same. So, while I can praise the rest of my castmates, my highest praise is reserved for my little sister. Superb ... she is just superb. I am proud to have her as my director, my family, my comrade and my friend.

So, there's my little love-fest for the actors in the show. For those of you actually reading my blog, remember this praise. Because I imagine I'm going to become an unbearable a$$hole over the next two weeks. Let Hell Week begin!

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