Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Worst Blog Entry Ever!

The Election is over ...

Okay, so those in the know are aware that a large portion of my work (and by that I mean the day job that supports me, not the artistic job that keeps threatening to put me in the poor house) is political in nature. So every election season my workload increases to near ridiculous degrees. How ridiculous? Well, I showed up at work Monday morning at 9am and was finally able to leave shortly after 7pm on Tuesday. That’s right folks … I worked a 34 hour shift. Straight. With minimal breaks and no time for lunch, dinner or breakfast. And 33 of those 34 hours were as busy as can be. Needless to say, I write this blog today very much in recovery mode. The good news is that the Democrats have taken over the House and made great strides in gubernatorial races and in the Senate. The even better news is … I have some vacation time coming.

Naturally this workload is the primary reason that I’ve been more than remiss at updating this ol’ blog. It’s not so much that I haven’t had a free moment here and there to write something but more that my mind (at least the part that is moderately creative and capable of writing) has been as inactive as can be. Don’t expect this to be all that entertaining or amusing of an entry.

Bike Taxi and KISS

A week and a half ago or so I did have one evening that was filled with entertainment. I left work shortly after 5pm and went to McCann’s in Port Authority with JB for a few drinks. We were really just killing time. Later that night we had tickets to go see KISS in concert at Cobo Hall in 1976. Yeah, I know, a movie of a concert from thirty years ago. Ho hum, some of you say. But not me. This was KISS! This was young, energetic, hungry KISS. This was exciting!

So we leave the bar at Port Authority (a little stumbly and a touch buzzed) and find that getting a cab quickly (we only had about 30 minutes to get to Union Square) wasn’t going to happen. So we took the first available option … a bicycle cab. From 42nd and 8th Avenue all the way to Union Square. We hop in, put a blanket over us (it was a bit chilly that night) and our new friend and chauffer (who we took to calling Tyrell) huffed and puffed his way to the movie theatre. In all the time I’ve been in New York, I had never taken the bicycle taxi, always figuring that it was too expensive. Well … it is! But it was a blast. We naturally behaved as though we were teenagers in a limo … hooting and hollering at everybody as we passed. We even dropped the old Mr. Microphone line, “Hey baby, we’ll be back to pick you up later!”

Random Mindless Observations

So, without expounding on anything (told you this was gonna be a lame entry) here are a few things I’ve noticed the past couple of weeks (in no particular order):

1. Never take an evil mop home with you.
2. If you do and they come back, lock the door.

3. I start to get grumpy around the 26th hour of being awake and then silly at about hour 31.
4. I’ve met a lot of selfish people over the years – you know who you are! You're the people that suck!
5. The criteria for me to refer to somebody as “exotic” is pretty limited.
6. I’m better at karaoke when I’ve never heard the song before … and I’m drunk.
7. No matter how hard you try to put the past behind you, it’ll rear its ugly head from time to time.
8. I have a lot of past.
9. Everybody has a cooler cell phone than me.
10. Rebecca was right … the meatballs at Carmine’s are excellent! And trust me, I know meatballs.
11. I have never actually purchased an umbrella in my entire life! Been given a few, stolen a few … never purchased one!
12. Ducks are funny. Period. They just are. Even devil ducks.


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